Saturday, June 12, 2010

Play Video in PowerPoint

Sometimes when we make presentation to others, we need to play a video to help us explain our meaning. Then we need to learn how to play video in PowerPoint. Here we will show you three methods to Play Video in PowerPoint.


1. play a video directly

This method is to broadcast prepared video files as a movie file directly in the slide, the method is the simplest way.

1 – Open a presentation

2 – If you want to insert a movie, click the Insert-> Movie-> Movie from File.

3 – In the pop-up dialog box, select the prepared video file and click OK button.

4 – Then there will be a dialog box come up for you to choose how the movie will be played, Automatically orWhen Clicked. Choose the one you need.

5 – Select the video and drag it to the appropriate location and size.

During playing, click on the video window, the video will be paused; and if you want to continue playing, click again.

2. Insert the control to play video

This method is to insert a video file as a control to a slide.

1 – Run the PowerPoint program; open a presentation.

2 – Click Microsoft office button, choose PowerPoint Options.

3 – In the dialog box, choose Popular, check Show Develop Tab in Ribbon. And then clik OK button.

4 – Click Developer-> Controls-> more Controls.

5 – In the dialog box appeared, choose Windows Media Player, and then click OK button.

6 – Move the mouse to the editing area, draw an area of suitable size, then the region will automatically be turned into Windows Media Player.

7 – Select the player interface, and then right click it and select Properties from the list.

8 – In the Properties window, we can change the settings, such as Name, Size, Visible and so on. In URL text box, we should type in the movie’s URL address.

9 – During playing we can control the movie by the control bar.

3. Insert objects

This method is to insert a video file as the object to slide, and the steps are:

1 – Open the slide, click theinsert -> Object command, open the Insert Object dialog box.

2 – Select Create from File option, then click Browse, choose the movie you want to put into the slide.

3 – The object has been inserted as the following.

4 – Select the object, right click, choose hyperlink, then select the address of the movie in your computer.

5 – When present the PowerPoint, click the name of the object so that the movie can be played.



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